It’s Impossible to treat a Full Schedule and scale your Physical Therapy business at the same time...

...Instead, Focus on Your CEO duties, while my systems doing the rest

***I ran into the same problem and here’s what I had to do…

Skip the time, pain & Energy of trying to set up an optimized GHL system on your own While you're drowning in day to day responsibilities and operations

❌ It's impossible to run your business effectively and learn all of GHLs features at the same time ( and apply them to your cash PT practice)

❌ You're not a tech wizard and aren't 100% sure what you are doing even when you sit down to work on it

❌ You end up wasting hours upon hours trying to figure it out yourself (only to end up frustrated)

❌ You're already balancing a full treatment schedule and managing your Therapists... there simply isn't enough time to work on anything else!

You know your System's need work and customization for your business, but not sure where to go

Instead, Consider My Streamlined 360° DFY Program and Mentorship Where You Receive My Proprietary GHL System, so that You Can You Market, Hire, and Scale

this is an all inclusive program that will is highly customized and tailored to your current needs.

Let me install my proven and proprietary series of systems directly into your business

  • Receive GHL Consulting & Strategizing for what will work best for your business.

Your business is unique. We will design and create optimized Systems for your business.

  • Let me create and build ALL of the Systems you need. I’ll even teach you exactly what you need to do on a day to day basis

After i build it, we'll simply review it together and ensure you understand everything that is taking place inside of your business.

  • Keep your workload under 30 minutes a week while we optimize and restore all of your Systems for life.

Focus on your CEO related tasks and Vision while I do the rest.

streamline your Customer Experience

  • Create Unique & Warm Touch Points along your customer's entire journey

Pre scheduled call, pre evaluation, post evaluation, etc.

  • stay in touch with your previous clients months, even years after you worked with them

That nearly guarantees you'll continue to reactivate clients on autopilot

  • Automate Google Reviews, Video Testimonials and More...

Streamline personalized texts & emails from the respective therapist they worked with to add a warm touch

Streamline your marketing

  • Earn a HIGHER ROI when you run Facebook or Google Ads

Now that you have System's in place and leads are being taken care of, your ROI will skyrocket without the headache


Now there isn't a limiting factor to upping your ad spend per month and bringing in 100's of leads, because your system can handle it

  • convert down the road

since you have a proven lead follow up system, you know that your ROI will continue to grow well after the first reach out attempts

streamline your sales process

  • Are your current price packages serving you or holding you back?

Let's examine how you're currently structuring your pricing packages and help you raise your rates. With improved customer experience and marketing, this won't be an issue at all.

  • Consistently sell your biggest packages

Since your systems accelerate your know, like and trust process, they will feel like they know you already before they walk in the door.

  • Dial in your phone call & evaluation language

we'll spend time improving upon the pivotal phone call and how you conduct your evaluation. These two areas are critical to you converting more cold and warm leads into your highest paying patients.

streamline your KPI's

  • Understand all of the numbers that are critical to running your business

-Lead to Phone Call %?...

-Phone Call to Eval %?...

-Eval to Package %?...

-Cost Per Visit %?...

-Number of Current Clients, Past Clients. Lost Leads, etc.

  • Avoid Aggregating & Mining Data onto Google Sheets

Instead, let our systems automate your kPI's so that you don't have to at the end of the month

  • Make better business decisions with less time

Now that you have all of the data in front of you, make better marketing, hiring & promotional decisions that fuel your business

Last but not least... scale it

  • Once you have everything in place, now it's about scaling what is working

How does This Work & How can we possibly accomplish all of this?

Step 1.

We setup a very important & thorough Diagnostic Call.

we need to assess what programs you are currently running, what your goals are, and where your biggest Systematic problems lie.

Step 2.

We take the charge in creating a customized and highly tailored Game Plan that Suits your business the best.

We perform all of the DFY systems and help empower you with the education behind them as we go

Step 3.

We hold both you and i accountability the goals we've set. We meet up to once a week to make critical improvements and advances in your business.

We continue to evolve your business and keep growing together.

Ready to Get Started?

Inquire for Our Streamlined 360° DFY Program and Mentorship by Scheduling a Diagnostic Call

Proudly Serving Cash Physical Therapists all over the nation

Are you Ready to gain a huge advantage of your Competition too?

and a lot more...

Currently Serving Our Systems Inside of These Masterminds

Marketing Automation Software, Marketing Automation Software for Health Professionals

How Do I Know This is Right For Me?

If you are constantly overworked, drowning in day to day operations and stuck in a vicious cycle, consider watching these like-minded Therapists testimonials who were in a similar position that you are in now.

Real, Raw Testimonials from Other Therapists Like Yourself

Dr. Dawn, CEO at LEVEL4 PT and Pilates

"Keeping track of our entire patient journey all in one place has been a powerhouse for us."

Dr. Brooke, CEO at Legacy Physical Therapy

"He was with me 100%, every step of the way and always showed me how we could do better."

Dr. Corey, CEO at Outlast Health & Performance

"We've gotten more website leads in the past 2 months than the past 4 years combined."

Dr. Jake, CEO at Apollo Performance Therapy

"Dr. Chad has been a huge help in helping us launch all of the Systems we need..."

Anna, CEO at Limitless Therapy

"I've really enjoyed learning all of the backend processes that fuel my business."

Dr. Brian, CEO at the Swim Doc

"His ability to come up with great solutions has been nothing short of outstanding."

Dr. Mike, CEO at Move PhysioTherapy

"Dr. Chad helped me quickly launch my practice with the help of his Systems"

Lauren, CEO at Lauren Psychology

"Dr. Chad helped me as a consultant for both my Systems and my business."

Dr. Jaime, CEO at the Box Doc

"I actually had fun improving upon my Systems"

Dr. Eric, CEO at Pinnacle Movement & Performance

"We saw a significant improvement in our workshop conversions"

Dr. Faith, CEO at Faith in Motion

"This was crucial for me to do before I hired my first PT"

Dr. Stacy, CEO at Tranquil Place PT

"Chad is a GHL Wizard. He was always able to come up with a solution"

Dr. Norah, CEO at Functional Phyzio PT

"He helped me feel confident in hiring my first Ortho PT"

Dr. Guidry, CEO at Guidry Golf and Sport PT

"Exactly what I was looking for after failing with several other companies..."

Money Back Guaranteed within first 30 days.

No questions asked.

ROI Guarantee of 20K or more within first 3-6 months.

Without any ad spend.

Interviewed By Dr. Dave Kittle and Mike Chua!

Still Need More Proof?

Proud Partners and Believers in Go High Level

The Team You Can Trust.

The Team You Can Trust.

Marketing Automation Software, Marketing Automation Software for Health Professionals

Dr. Chad Kuntz

Marketing Automation Software, Marketing Automation Software for Health Professionals
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Dr. Chad Kuntz


Anthony Miano

Anthony Miano


Why Should You Trust Us?

We built our own successful cash PT practice from the ground up in Charlotte, NC. Throughout our 7+ years of growth, trial and error, and realizing that no Mastermind was going to teach us how to manage our Systems, we set out on our way to pave our own path.

We've gone through your struggles.

We know your frustrations inside and out.

We have developed this proprietary solution based upon our own experience and are now helping business owners go through the same exact problems we faced.

FAQ image

"I Would Need to See an ROI in Order to Do This"

We are so confident in our Systems that WITHOUT additional marketing, we guarantee you'll earn $20,000 or more within the first 6 months.

During our Diagnostic Call and after revealing your impairments, we'll show you how we will do this.

"I'm Concerned I Won't Have the Time for This"

This entire model has been built with the critical concept in mind that you are a busy CEO running your practice.

The framework enables you to save years of work, trial and frustration and immediately receive a proven, A to Z framework inside your practice within a matter of just a few months.

If you can dedicate 60 minutes per week for the first month to meet on our strategy calls, we can make this succeed for you.

How Do You Accomplish All of This?

This process does not happen overnight. Revamping and revitalizing your entire System's take months of work. That being said, after we diagnose what your business needs the most,

We are quick to begin implementing and installing System's and a very fast pace.

What if I Need Google or Facebook Ads As Well?

We have incredible, low cost options for you if you are also needing additional Marketing on top of your Systems.

We suggest that we iron out your System's first as much as possible, since you’ll clearly earn an even greater ROI when doing so.

Whether it's Facebook, Google Ads, Website or SEO, you have incredible room to grow and scale your business with our help (at additional costs).

What Is the Cost?

There are a lot of factors that go into the ultimate cost of us working together.

However, being that this is a customized, done for you system buildout on top of numerous training sessions afterwards,

Your cost will highly depend upon the level of customization and automations built out.

We do offer Payment Plans to help ease the burden of getting started.

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes. Your initial investment has a money back guarantee on it for the first 30 days of us working together.

We are confident in our approach and know we can help you.

Ready to Get Started?

Apply to our Streamlined 360° DFY Program and Mentorship

Would You Rather Send a Message?

What Question(s) do you have about our Program?

Expect an immediate follow up via text & e-mail.

Marketing Automation Software, Marketing Automation Software for Health Professionals

Virtual Marketing Mastery LLP

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